Friday, February 26, 2010

Last night's storm: the telephone pole shown snapped off.

I am so happy that my mom has power at her house. I was able to come over, take a shower, have coffee, and use her computer. Ah.......electricity!


  1. we just got our power back tonight (Sun). It has been a long 3 days and nights. We lost the big fence around the dog pen, but are happy it wasn't any worse. However, Sophie chased a skunk in the dark, and the skunk stopped to 'greet' her. It was
    T fun in the least and the house may smell for another day or so now that we are getting snow! Good grief!

    Glad you are OK...see you soon!


  2. That is so weird, there was a skunk outside our house too. Fortunately, I got the dogs in to the house in time. Glad you got your power back!
