Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cleaning up after the storm

We got our power back late Sunday night, but the wires for cable, internet and phone had all been ripped out. They can't get out to restore them until tomorrow, March 3rd, so I am at the library using my laptop and their Wi-Fi access. What a great service! We have spent several days cleaning up all the brush and clearing out the area by the store where the big tree fell so we can re-open for the weekend. We are ready to go. Open regular business hours, Thursday through Sunday from 10-5. Can't wait to get back to work!


  1. Wow Lynn, what a mess. We were up north for the week and came home a day early to no power, and thankfully no damage. I'm so glad your buildings escaped damage. That would have been a bummer.


  2. Hi Deb,
    Thanks, we were lucky, for sure. Glad you didn't have any damage either.
