Wednesday, October 6, 2010

A fun and eclectic collection of items

There is a neat little shop in Epsom, NH that I have passed by a hundred times. It always looked interesting to me, but it never seemed to be open when I was going by. On Monday I was driving home from an auction, and it was open! I don't even know if it has a name or not, but it was a cool place. Inside is her combined selling/workshop area, so she had lots of buckets of odds and ends, knobs, and gadgets. My kind of place to poke around in. I found an interesting assortment of items. I always think it's funny when people ask me if I am an artist, and I say no, I just like weird things! Upper corners are two foundry type molds. A faucet, two brass key hole plates, a neat little rusty eagle finial maybe. A spoon that the woman thought was for separating eggs, and lower left corner is some kind of angel decoration. She is made of metal and this obviously went into something else, but not sure what. Fun pickings!

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