Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Laundry items

Love the All bucket! Also, a little tin powdered detergent dispenser with a pouring spout. I vaguely remember my mom having one of these, but I may be wrong. I do know she spent many hours in the laundry room! She used to spritz my father's dress shirts with a spray bottle, and then roll them up and put them in the freezer. Then she would take them out and iron them all at once. Was this a general practice or something only she dreamed up?
Detergent dispenser is SOLD!


  1. Mom put clothes she had sprinkled in the fridge! Can you even imagine? We would be naked around these parts if I had to go through all THAT!!

  2. That was a lot of work, for sure! No wonder she would drink sherry with the neighbor lady at the end of the day-hee hee
