Thursday, May 3, 2012

A new collection for the guy room!

I got the great mounted duck decoys at the auction on Monday. My daughter hates them, but I love them! I told her maybe they died of natural causes! In the center is a 1920's hunting print with two dogs. The proceeds of this print will go to Pet Tails Rescue. Dogs helping dogs! A few wooden carved decoys, one is new, the other a bit older. Also, another item I found this week was the tall wicker cannister. Inside is a thermos in a leather sleeve with cork intact. The wicker cannister had a leather carrying strap at one time, but time has worn it down to just a fragment. Cool look. The Lures For Sale fish decoy sign is handcarved signed, and painted by a NH artist, Tom Breen. I met him at an auction a few years ago, and tried to get him to come and whittle on my porch! He laughed, but I am still waiting for him to show up! Both mounted ducks are SOLD! and wicker thermos is SOLD!

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