Thursday, June 7, 2012

Horns-1998?-June 7, 2012

I know a lot of people love to visit the goats when they come to Log Cabin. Horns was our original goat that we adopted from the SPCA to keep our old horse Ginger company. They were good barn mates. After Ginger passed away, we bought Missy to keep Horns company, and that was how the little goat herd began. We loved old Horns, and he had a good long life, but will be dearly missed.


  1. Dear Horns :( You will dearly missed by me & I was very happy that I got to spend some time getting to know you..You will be missed <3

  2. I am sorry to read this - so sad. I love seeing all of them together when I stop in. The Circle of Life isn't an easy ride!
