Tuesday, June 3, 2014

If you love this, it was my idea, if you hate it, blame my daughter Kate!

When I bought this piece, it was missing it's back and part of it's bottom too. There was old green paint on it, but it was bubbling. I figured a quick stripping and repaint it! Hah! Well, after several weeks of sanding, solvents, a heat gun, more sanding with lots of paint left on the oak, I was pretty frustrated and not motivated to finish it. One night it rained and Barry and I found ourselves at home. We replaced the back with small bead board and used some old boards to fix the bottom. I had to paint the back anyway, and decided to paint the two sides to match, using a nice colonial color mustard. I wasn't sure about the front and top yet, but my daughter came along and said she liked the way it looked with traces of paint left. She doesn't really like my antiques preferring new and shiny things like lots of young adults! But, she liked this and said it would make a cool entertainment stand for a flat screen tv and you could hide boxes and wires inside. She made me promise to just put a clear coat of polyurethane over the old oak. Even as she was walking away, she said "DON'T paint the front or top!" So, here it is. Maybe you will love it, maybe not! This measures 54 by 18 and stands 37 inches tall. Just in case you wanted to paint the rest, I do have some of the paint left! SOLD!

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